How can I change or edit my booking?

We've made it super easy to submit a booking change request to your Host

We get it - change is a thing! Plans constantly evolve, the weather takes a turn or your event needs to be rescheduled to another time due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Need to cancel your booking? Here is an article that explains everything.

We've introduced 'Booking Change Requests' to help with these situations and get your booking updated with minimal fuss. Check out the video and instructions below to see how it works:


To make a change to your booking, simply head to your dashboard, locate your booking and find the 'Actions' menu. 

Here, you can make changes to:

  • Dates & Times
  • Attendees
  • Items & Charges
  • Discount Codes
  • Booking Slots

NOTE: To make a change to the Space, you'll need to contact your Host. 

After you're happy with the changes made, clicking 'continue' takes you through to a confirmation screen:

Depending on the type of booking, and what 'Instant Book' settings are available, the below table outlines how payment and changes work for the different scenarios:

  Instant Book or Space Privileges Payment & Booking Changes
Casual Booking On Change & Payment instant with submission.
Casual Booking** Off Change & Payment after the Host accepts.
Regular Booking On Change is instant. Payment added to the monthly invoice. 
Regular Booking Off Change after the Host accepts. Payment added to the monthly invoice.

**Please ensure that for any Casual Booking Change Requests, there are enough funds available on your card for the change to be processed by your Host. To change your payment settings, please see this article.

SpacetoCo will also provide you with emails updates along the way, and any pending changes will be reflected in your dashboard.