Locate the receipt for your booking
Whether you're a Host or Guest, all bookings come with a receipt that can be accessed on the platform at any time. They are also sent to your registered SpacetoCo email address - simply search 'SpacetoCo receipt' in your inbox to locate it.
To locate your booking on the platform, head to:
- https://app.spacetoco.com/dashboard/host/bookings (if you're a Host) or,
- https://app.spacetoco.com/dashboard/guest/bookings (if you're a Guest).
All receipts and related transactions are available under the 'Transactions' tab on each booking or you can see all of your invoices in one place under the 'Transactions' tab on your dashboard on the left hand side of your page.
Casual Bookings
As a Host, you'll see two receipts related to the SpacetoCo Host Fee, and your Payout.
For Guests, you'll just see the receipt for the booking Charge.
The Charge is what the Guest paid at checkout. This receipt is generated by SpacetoCo, on behalf of the Host. The receipt for the Guest is downloadable at any time from your account.
The Payout is the amount the guest paid for their space booking, minus the SpacetoCo Host Fee. The receipt for the Host Fee is downloadable at any time from your account.
Image: Example of transaction receipt locations in the dashboard
Regular Bookings
As a Host, you'll see two receipts related to the Charge, and the Payout.
For Guests, you'll just see the Charge.
NOTE: A Charge for the booking will only be available after it has been invoiced.
The Charge is what the Guest paid for all bookings that month, as part of the Verified Invoice flow. This receipt is generated by SpacetoCo, on behalf of the Host.
The Payout relates to ALL bookings paid out to the Host that month.
All Invoices - Guest Only
As a guest you can also look up your history of all your previous invoices by heading to the "Transactions" tab on the left hand side dashboard as pictured below.