SpacetoCo Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is SpacetoCo’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website,, and other sites we own and operate.

Updated: 28th November 2023.

We only ask for personal information when we truly need it to provide a service to you. We collect it by fair and lawful means, consent as given by using the website. We also let you know why we’re collecting it and how it will be used.

We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we’ll protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.

We don’t share any personally identifying information publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law or for the successful operation of the website. 

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies. 

Host Requirements: SpacetoCo works with a number of local governments as a part of supplying 'the services'. Local Government entities have specific rules around data that they must adhere to at all times. Hosts are able to access booking data at the time of booking and for a reasonable period after the booking is completed.  Local Government entities may store your data for up to seven (7) years, but that data is from a point in time (at the time of booking). Should you choose to update Your Data, a Host is not entitled to your updated information as it is no longer required to facilitate the booking. 

You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services.

Your continued use of our website will be regarded as an acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, feel free to contact us.

This policy is effective as of: 25 May 2023.

SpacetoCo is an internet application that facilitates the connection of Hosts (People with Spaces) and Guests (People who wish to find and hire out Spaces). In this capacity, we will need to collect some data from you along the way to ensure that we can successfully facilitate the process of connection.


“Your Data” means data that is capable of being associated with you, whether or not it includes an explicit identifier such as your name or customer number. In particular, it encompasses all data that SpacetoCo is capable of correlating with you, using such means as server-logs and cookie-contents.

“Your Data” does not refer to data that can no longer be associated with you. This includes aggregated data that does not and cannot identify the individuals whose data are included in the aggregation.

“Consent” means your concurrence with an action to be taken by SpacetoCo. Consent may be express or implicit, but in either case must be informed and freely-given.

“User” means any person or persons who create a profile on the website or application for the purposes of exploring its contents or connecting with the purpose of transacting within the SpacetoCo online environment.

“Your Profile” means the data entered into the Profile section of the website in order to provide more detail about yourself to other Users to promote trust. Required data to fill in “Your Profile” may change from time to time.

“Website” means the website and and any links within the website and any applications downloaded to your device in which users can access SpacetoCo services.

“Hosts” means individuals who register a profile and list space as available for hire.

“Guests” means any individuals who register a profile for the purpose of hiring a space.

“Space” means any listing of a property in the SpacetoCo online environment made available for hire to other members of the site.

What Do We Collect?

We collect all of the information when you sign up to the service. To create an account, you require a name and an email address. You may choose to enter your phone number, date of birth, gender, profile pic, personal address and your short bio statement about yourself as well as your intention to be a Host or a Guest to make your profile more complete for other members of the online community.

If you wish to list a Space, it is optional to advise your social networking profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram). It is not required.

Additionally, the website systems such as Stripe, GoCardless, Hubspot, Slack, Jira, Confluence, Google, Mailgun and any other software or services that we use to provide you with an exemplary experience will automatically log details about your time on site. For example your mac address, messages content and other date and time stamp information.

How Do We Collect Your Data?

We ask you to fill in the form in the profile section of the website and the website backend systems and other website integrations (such as Segment and Hubspot) are always logging info about user activity as you use the site.


We collect this information to facilitate a successful connection between Guests and Hosts. The more information in your profile, the higher level of trust is built between you and the person with whom you may decide to transact.

We collect this info to improve the user experience. This information may assist us to make the website better in the future or resolve disputes systematically and expediently.

To deter and identify potential fraud, spam or suspicious behaviour, we reserve the right to monitor conversations from time to time. By using the website, you agree to this policy and our Terms and Conditions.

Can I look at it?

You can view your profile at any time. You can also request to view Your Data formally by contacting us.

Complaints about Data

If you would like to file a complaint about the Data that we hold or use for the purposes of facilitating connection, contact us at While we are not subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, we hold ourselves accountable to these best-practice guidelines to keep data safe.

To Whom Do We Disclose Your Data?

We use Your Data to facilitate successful connections of Guests to Hosts. For example, this may involve other customers looking at your Listed Space and Profile as a Host;  or your Profile and previous booking rating as a Guest to consider you as a potential hirer of their Space.

We won’t be selling Your Data for spam purposes to anyone. We don’t like that when it happens to us, so we won’t be doing it to you.

Retention of your Data?

Retention of data refers to the length of time that data is kept. Your data is securely encrypted and stored within secure, offsite, cloud services. SpacetoCo retains your user data for a period of 7 years after your last interaction after which time it may be deleted. 

Deleting your Data or Account

If you would like SpacetoCo to permanently delete your account and associated data, you can do so by emailing, or:

Please note that the request must come from the same email address associated with your SpacetoCo account.