Responding to Space Reviews

Reviews are an important part of the SpacetoCo marketplace experience.

All reviews are publicly visible on the space page and are subject to our Review Policy.

As part of customers booking through SpacetoCo, they have the ability to leave a public space review. Some of the benefits associated with leaving a review include:

  • Free advertising: Each review posted online by a customer is a form of advertising for your business. Your name and product are exposed to readers, increasing their awareness of who you are and what you do.
  • Improved search engine results: Reviews can also influence internet search engine results. Search engines such as Google take into account the individualised content available on your space page that comes from customer reviews.
  • Peer recommendations: Research shows that consumers generally trust peer recommendations more than they trust advertising.
  • Constructive criticism and suggestions: Some online reviews may raise concerns or suggest improvements related to your space. This can be a good opportunity to resolve a customer's problem and/or improve business practices. After all, many of the customers who raise concerns in online reviews would still complain about your business to other people, even if they didn't post a review.
  • A closer relationship with customers: Like many other forms of social media, online review sites give you the chance to develop a closer relationship with your customers, especially with the ability to respond publicly.

With this in mind, SpacetoCo allows you to publicly respond to a space review that has been left by a Guest. 

To respond to a review, simply head to and follow the prompts.

Who can leave a review on your space?

Any Guest (Casual or Regular) who has had a booking in the last 90 days can leave a review

Is the review publicly available?

Yes, all reviews (including your response) is publicly available on each space page

What if I have a problem with a review?

If you feel that a review is unwarranted or inappropriate, please reach out to the team at SpacetoCo with your concerns.