Team Management & User Switching for Regular Customers

Best practice for regular customer accounts access for larger organisations

At SpacetoCo, we prioritise the privacy and security of our users. While all logins are created with a unique email address and password for individual users, we understand that larger organisations may require shared access for efficient team management. To facilitate this, we've designed a process that allows multiple users to collaborate on regular bookings while maintaining robust security measures and activity tracking.

Steps for Team Management & User Switching:

Step 1: Obtain Written Permission

The original account holder must provide written permission for additional users to access their account. This can be done by sending an email to explicitly stating the names or email addresses of the users who should be granted access. This crucial step ensures that account access is authorised and complies with our security protocols.

Step 2: New User Account Creation

The new users seeking access to the shared account must create their individual login accounts at Each user needs to follow the standard account creation process, providing their unique email address and a secure password. This step guarantees that every user has a distinct identity within the system.

Step 3: Notify SpacetoCo

Once the original account holder has granted permission and the new users have created their individual accounts, it's time to notify SpacetoCo. Inform us by sending an email to, confirming that both steps 1 and 2 have been successfully completed. Our team will then proceed to link the additional users to the original account.

Step 4: Managing Access

As needs evolve, users may need to be added or removed from the shared account. To make adjustments, simply send an email to If you wish to revoke access for a particular user, please notify us promptly, and we will take immediate action to ensure the security of your account.

Now that I have access to the account how to I enter it? - See below to find out!

How does user switching work once setup?

To switch from your personal account to your role as an admin user of a host account, please follow these steps:

Step 1:

Log in to SpacetoCo with your email address that was invited for access. 

Step 2:

Navigate to your dashboard.

Step 3:

To switch into the other account, you need to click on your profile picture in the top right corner. (If you didn't allocate a profile picture you will see your initials in a circle).

If you have been set up correctly you will be able to switch into the other account(s) you have been given access to.

Step 4:

That's it! You're good to go 🤩