How to Export to OneCouncil.

Generate OneCouncil Compatible Project Journal exports for easier than ever financial reporting.

Financially reconciling bookings across the council can be a headache inducing mess of data, especially when considering complexities around partial refunds for cancellations, handling bond holds, merchant fees, extra items and charges, discount codes, admin fees and so, so much more.

SpacetoCo solves all of these complexities by handling them in-platform, allowing your bookings team to handle the day-to-day complexities without having to pester the finance team over every little booking change. Once bookings are complete, we then finalise them in the following month, freezing everything and paying it out to the council in one easy to reconcile hit, along with this monthly payout, we also provide a bunch of data relating to the bookings and the final billing state they ended in.

Whilst the reports we provide are comprehensive, they still require 10-15 minutes of spreadsheet wizardry to get into a format that can then be uploaded into financial management systems like OneCouncil. We here at SpacetoCo find 15 minutes to be unacceptable, as it is one of our mission to make the finance team's life as easy as possible. As a result, we've added the ability to configure the details in the SpacetoCo application to be able to spit out an extra report already formatted to go directly into a OneCouncil project journal entry.

Project Journal Entry Format

The following is the format that SpacetoCo uses for generating the reports, if this format varies significantly to how your team wishes to reconcile SpacetoCo data in OnceCouncil, feel free to reach out to see if we can assess if this report will work or if we can accommodate your variances.

The report format export aggregates the data to a per-space & per-expense/income itemised list, with account numbers in the following format:


  • AAAAAAA is a space's Project Number
  • BBBB is a space's Cost Centre
  • CCCC is an income/expense's Activity Number
  • DDDDD is an income/expense's Account Number

The report accepts defaults for each of these parts, whilst allowing you to specify them on a space or income/expense type basis.

The following is an example of the output of the file:

Ldg Account Number Account Number Description GST Code Inclusive Exclusive GST Amt Narrative
PJ 100123-4321-1001-40012   C 1100.00 1000.00 100.00 Town Hall - Booking Gross
PJ 100123-4321-1001-60045   C -110.00 -100.00 -10.00 Town Hall - Booking Commission
PJ 100123-4321-1001-60078   C -11.00 -10.00 -1.00 Town Hall - Booking Merchant
PJ 100123-4321-1001-61023   C -5.50 -5.00 -0.50 Town Hall - Bond Fee
PJ 100456-4321-1001-40012   C 2200.00 2000.00 200.00 Meet Spot - Booking Gross
PJ 100456-4321-1001-60045   C -220.00 -200.00 -20.00 Meet Spot - Booking Commission
PJ 100456-4321-1001-60078   C -22.00 -20.00 -2.00 Meet Spot - Booking Merchant

Initial Configuration

Before we can enable this report, we need to setup the default values to be used. You can set these values to suit your workflow, specifically when a new space is added without being configured for this report, you can either set the default to a generic number or put in a placeholder that makes it easier to find missing values that need to be added.

  • Default Project and Cost Centre
    The numbers used for spaces by default when one isn't provided for a space.
  • General Project and Cost Centre
    The numbers used for non-space related income and expenses. These currently wont appear in the report, but will be used for future features in the application.
  • Default Fee Schedule
    The default Activity & Account numbers for both income and expenses.

Once you're done with the initial configuration, you can go ahead and click the "Next" button. This will take us to the next step where we can set more fine-grain values for each space and income/expense type.

General Configuration

Now that the initial configuration is out of the way, we are now taken to the general configuration area. You can always come back to this area if you need to make any changes in the future.

The configuration area is broken up into three sections:

  • Default Values, which is the same as the Initial Configuration in case you want to update those values
  • Fee Schedule, where you can override the default values for each type of income & expense
  • Spaces, where you can pair each space with it's corresponding project and cost centre numbers.
    • If you have parent-child spaces, you can copy the parent's number to the children by clicking the arrow to the right of the input.
    • If you have already added in the project and cost centre as a part of the Account Code in the Space, we will attempt to automatically set these values.

Once you're done with the more fine-grain configurations, you can click the "Save" button. This will save everything and enable the report to be generated on future payouts. 🎉

Manual Report Generation

If you wish to manually generate the report for a previous payout, or re-generate a recent report after a configuration change, you can do so from the Host Payouts section of the Account Settings area. Just find the payout in the table that you with to generate, and click the "Regenerate OneCouncil report" option from the actions menu, as seen in the image below.