Items and Charges for Daily and Overnight Hire

With the latest update to SpacetoCo, we are excited to introduce a new feature for Items and Charges for Daily and Overnight Hire only. This feature allows hosts to apply additional items and charges to the very first booking day only, specifically

How It Works:

When creating an item and charge on your space you will now have the option to to enable "Apply to first day only" as shown below.

The "Items and Charges for Daily and Overnight Hires" feature now applies the additional chargeFor example, if a guest books the space for four nights, they will be charged for the additional item only once, not for each day they have booked.  only to the very first booking day. 



  1. Simplified Billing: Hosts can now add one-time charges for services or amenities without duplicating them for each day of the booking, streamlining the billing process.

  2. Attractiveness to Guests: By charging the additional item once for the entire booking duration, guests are more likely to find the pricing transparent and competitive.

  3. Flexibility for Hosts: This feature caters to various scenarios where hosts want to add charges that apply to the entire booking but only need to be charged once.