Access Control & Automated Pin Codes

How our integration works with bookings & what you need to know to get started

SpacetoCo offers integration with top Access Control Providers (ACPs) to guarantee a seamless experience for customers entering your secure spaces. Our user-friendly interface and automated notifications enable customers to quickly find their unique PIN code and access details for the booked space and time.

What are the key integration features?

SpacetoCo's basic integration services include:

  • Adding new customers to the ACP

  • Setting access times for reserved spaces

  • Revoking access times for cancelled bookings

  • Adjusting access times for updated bookings

  • Regenerating PINs (only space managers/hosts can perform this action)

  • Including PINs in booking confirmation emails

  • Informing customers of PIN changes via email

Every customer will receive a personalized PIN code for all their bookings, regardless of the space they reserve. This PIN code is unique to their specific Host Account/ACP Integration and ensures secure access to the booked space.

What can a Host/Space Manager do regarding PIN codes?

Pin codes are automatically generated. However, the Host can easily re-generate the PIN if needed for the customer. This will provide them with a brand-new code

What about regular customers - will they need a new code each time?

No. Customers receive a unique code that works across all their bookings no matter what space, or how far into the future they have booked. 

Where can customers access their unique PIN information?

Customers can find their PIN in the following locations:

  • At the top of their dashboard

  • Within individual bookings on the dashboard

  • In email notifications when the booking gets approved, or the PIN gets changed.

What access control providers does SpacetoCo currently work with?

SpacetoCo provides the ability for integration into the following:

  • SecCloud

  • Gallagher

  • Integriti
  • ProtegeGX

SpacetoCo is open to expanding its integration capabilities with more ACPs, depending on their compatibility.

NOTE: The appropriate hardware PIN code hardware needs to be installed for the integration to work. This needs to be on all spaces that customers will access. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What needs to be true in order for a new ACP to be set up?

If you want to find out if your Access Control Provider (ACP) is compatible with SpacetoCo, there are a few things you can inquire about:

  • First, check if they support integration with external services. This is important because it determines whether your ACP can work seamlessly with SpacetoCo.
  • Second, see if API documentation is available. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential for exchanging and modifying data on the ACP's server. They are necessary for a successful integration between SpacetoCo and your ACP.

If you have this basic information about your ACP, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to discuss the integration further and determine if we can make it work for you.

Do I need PIN keypads?

Not necessarily, but it will make it easier for you. When a booking is made,  SpacetoCo sends three things to the server:

  • The details of the customer

  • The pin code

  • Access times for the space

How the user accesses the room (via card, PIN or mobile credentials) can be changed directly by you or the third party vendor, however only PIN code is supported within SpacetoCo's platform and will provide the best possible user experience. 

Can I use my existing keypads with SpacetoCo?

Maybe, it depends on what kind of hardware you use. There are many different hardware suppliers that work with Access Control Providers. Your third party vendor/integrator will be the best place to start with finding out more information. If the integration goes ahead, we'll also be speaking with them directly to ensure things go smoothly. 

Does your integration work with swipe cars and/or mobile apps?

In short, yes, but not directly.

The card or mobile credentials can't be issued through our platform directly. If the card/mobile credentials already exists under the user, or is added to the user late (via the ACP directly), then any bookings added to that user will work with the card, or pin, or mobile app, or whatever is attached to the user.

Ultimately, PIN Codes provide the best possible user experience. 

Does the integration work across multiple SpacetoCo Host accounts?

Yes, but each Host account will need a separate configuration. Additional costs may apply.

Every case is unique so it is best to have chat with us first to understand your requirements for your site.

Configuring  & Mapping Spaces for Gallagher & SecCloud

What is needed to get the configuration live?

We make requests through the provider API Gateway. That means when we send data to the provider, they recognise (through an API key) which end-customer it will make the changes for. This eliminates general security concerns because we are not making changes directly to your onsite server. There are also limitations to what changes SpacetoCo is allowed to make as part of the integration.

Once access is granted, how do you ensure that SpacetoCo only has access to spaces/venues related to the integration, and not the entire security system in general?

This is driven by the provider's standard security protocols. Only SpacetoCo-related spaces are granted as part of the integration. This is set up either by the installer or vendor as part of your chosen security system provider. 

Buffer Time

For each booking, an allowed amount of time before and after the allocated booking time (excluding any SpacetoCo bump in/out) is added to the security system. This gives the user access to the building (e.g. 15 minutes) prior to the scheduled start time and after the end time. 

Adding & Mapping Spaces

First, choose the space within the SpacetoCo system. Then, match this against a pre-configured Access Group Number from your ACP. The integration will pull down all available Access Group Numbers for you to choose from (including their descriptions). If you are unsure about which one to choose, speak to your IT team or integration consultant. 

To apply any changes, including removing an existing configuration, please click 'Update' to apply the changes. 

What happens if there are changes made to access groups inside the ACP?

If the access group number changes, then this needs to be updated within the SpacetoCo dashboard. 

If more areas are added to the access group, without the number changing, then no issues. 

Who has permission to change configuration settings?

At the beginning of the rollout, SpacetoCo retains control over the entire setup to ensure a smooth experience. Once staff members are trained and comfortable, Team Admins have rights to adjust settings when needed. 

System-level setup (linking the SpacetoCo system with the ACP) will always remain as a SpacetoCo-only configuration.